Friday, May 7, 2010

Como Comer Para Vivir: El remedio para las emfermedades y una solucion para el alto costo del cuidado de salud en los Estados Unidos

“ Los insensatos, a causa del camino de su rebellion y a causa de sus maldades, fueron afligidos. Su alma abomino toda vianda. Y las puertas de la muerte. Mas clamaron a Jehova en su angustia y llegaron hasta salvolos de sus aflicciones. Envio su palabra y curolos y librolos de su ruina. Alaben la misericordia de Jehova. Y sus marabillas en bien de los hijos de los hombres”. Salmos 107:17-21

A la edad de 13 anos, fui diagnosticada con Asma y Fiebre. Asma es una inflamacion cronica de las vias respiratorias caraterizadado por episodios donde se obstruyen las vias respiratorias. Las manifestaciones clinicas incluyen respirar con dificultad tozer y falta de aire. En el 2004 los casos o problemas de Asma fueron de 13.6 millones de visitas al Doctor, 1.1 millones de visitas al hospital, 1.8 millones de visitas al departamento de emergencies y 497,000 hospitalizaciones. (CDC National Center for Health

Los efectos del Asma requirieron que tomara medicina diariamente e injecciones semanalmente y que faltara frecuentemente a clases. En una ocacion recuerdo haber tenido un ataque de Asma, me sentia como si estuviera respirando a travez del ojo de un alfiler, tenia tanto miedo que se me acabara el aire antes de llegar al hospital. Despues de recibir tratamiento para los pulmones e injecciones, mi madre de regreso a casa me dijo, “espero que te encuentres un hombre que te pueda mantener”, era ovio que el hecho de tener Asma se habia hecho un problema financiero. Despues de 11 anos con Asma y un estilo de vida que contribuia a mi mala salud, empece una dieta rigurosa y comia solo una vez al dia.

Poco despues, conoci a un companero de trabajo quien introdujo las ensenansas del Honorable Elija Muhammad asi como lo ensena el Honorable Louis Farrakan, El me dijo que comiendo una vez al dia era lo mejor para mi, y aunque ya habia alcansado mi peso deseado continue comiendo una vez al dia, deje de tener o experimentar ningun problema con el Asma y la fiebre.

El Honorable Elijah Muhammad ensena que nosotros deveriamos comer una vez al dia o comer cada tercer dia y que eso prolongaria nuestra vida, El dijo “no piensen que van a morir de hambre” por el contrario estaran ustedes dandose vida, y una vida sin enfermedades. raramente se enfermarian comiendo de esta manera, al comer una vez al dia o cada terce dia no deveran de comer nada entre comidas, y deveran de tratar comer siempre a la misma hora manana a la que comieron hoy, no cambie la hora de la comida si puede evitarlo, eso ocasionaria que tu estomago pida comida a diferentes horas del dia y llenaria tu estomago con gas. No tome jugos, leche o sodas entre las comidas, y no coma dulces o frutas entre las comidas, puede tomar agua pero yo se que no quedran tomar mucha agua puesto que tu estomago no la pedira. Pueden tomar café entre las comidas, pero no llenen la taza con la mitad de azucar y leche y luego el café. Como comer para vivir, libro1

Cuando me embarace despues de cinco anos de comer una vez al dia. Yo tome la decision de comer tres veces al dia para asegurar que mi bebe recibiera la nutricion adecuada. Al mes o mas de comer tres veces al dia yo tuve un ataque de Asma y tuve que ser llevada a la sala de emergencia. Durante la examinacion el Doctor me pregunto cuando habia sido el ultimo ataque de Asma y que estava haciendo para controlarlo. Le dije al Doctor que habia estado comiendo una vez al dia por varios anos y eso me habia curado del Asma. El Doctor me pregunto “que cambio” yo le dije que como estava enbarazada habia decidido comer tres veces al dia para asegurar que mi bebe recibiera la nutricion adecuada.

Para mi sorpresa el Doctor pregunto, “si tu sabes que fue lo que controlo tu a Asma porque volviste a comer tres veces al dia?. El Doctor me explico que no podia darme medicina para mi Asma pues podia danar a mi bebe y me animo para que siguiera comiendo una vez al dia. El Doctor me dijo que como mi cuerpo ya se habia acostumbrado a comer una vez al dia el bebe tendria toda la nutricion necesaria. Me quedaba claro que este Doctor de cuidados de emergencia entendia que las cantidades y tipos de alimentos que comemos estan asociados con las enfermedades.

Han pasado 19 anos desde mi incidente en el cuarto de emergencia, mi hijo nacio saludable y no he vuelto a tener otro ataque de Asma desde entonces.  Refleccionando jamas olvidare las palabras de mi madre “Espero que te encuentres un hombre que te pueda mantener”. Yo creo que la esperanza de mi madre fue contestada a travez del Honorable Ministro Louis Farrakan, El me dio las ensenanzas del Honorable Elija Muhammad, El mensajero de todos. El Ministro Farrakan es un magnifico ejemplo de la fuerza de sanacion que se encuentra en “Como comer para vivir”, la llave para mi vida libre de Asma. En este tiempo cuando mucha jente no tiene trabajo ni aseguranza medica, Como comer para vivir es vital y puede ser provisto para lograr una vida saludable.

El impacto que el Asma a tenido en nuestra salud y calidad de vida y la economia permanence considerable. En el 2005, un estimado de 32.6 millones de personas fueron diagnosticado con Asma durante su vida, 22.2 millones de personas ahora han sido diagnosticadas con Asma, 12.2 millones de personas experimentan un ataque de Asma en el ano anterior y cerca de 4,000 Americanos mueren de Asma. (

“Come para virvir y no para morir, porque como comas determina las dos cosas—te mantiene vivo o te mata.”- El Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Como comer para vivir - Libro 1

(Theresa X, Una latina en la Nacion del Islam Stockton California grupo de studio - email:, traducido por: Sandra Muhammad, Compton, CA)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 1st Immigration Reform March - Stockton California

“And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.” - Leviticus 19:33-34

A crowd of more than two thousand gathered May 1, 2010, in Stockton, CA, for the Immigration March. The crowd of men, women, elderly, teenagers, and children marched down streets, chanting, waving flags, wearing t-shirts with messages and carrying signs. "We work hard” and "Boycott SB1070" were just a few of the many signs seen. Like hundreds of thousands of protestors who gathered throughout the country, Stockton protestors gathered at McKinley park and walked 3.5 miles on El Dorado Street to Eden Park calling for immigration reform and protesting the SB1070 law signed by Arizona’s Gov. Jan Brewer two weeks prior to the May 1st Immigration March that is not only unconstitutional but also encourages and legalizes discrimination and racial profiling against immigrants or anyone thought to be an immigrant.

Songs were sung and stories were told of hardship and dedication. Stockton’s immigration march was organized by Luis Magana, a local activist and affiliate of the American Friends Service Committee devoted to service, development and peace programs throughout the world. Event organizers welcomed and thanked supporters and encouraged marchers to sign their names and contact information for future communication on upcoming events.

Stockton’s march received support from the Nation of Islam’s (NOI) Stockton Study Group. David Muhammad, the NOI Stockton Study Group Student Captain, worked with the march organizers to provide FOI (Fruit of Islam) security for the march. According to Brother David, the march turned out to be a very peaceful event and the NOI was commended by the Stockton Police department for the excellent security provided by the FOI.

At the Eden Park rally held after the march, Brother John X and I (Sister Theresa X) who attend the Stockton Study Group were invited to share a few words. As Latinos in the Nation of Islam, it is very important that our message in Spanish and English be shared with protesters and supporters. It is essential that the Latino community regardless of which side of the boarder we were born know that we are one family despite the many labels we are given to discourage unity.

Brother John X also encouraged attendees to ask when doing business where companies are based out of and to boycott any business based out of Arizona such as U-haul and U.S. Airways. And to be aware of those who hide behind religion but in reality do not want for their Brother or Sister what they want for themselves, which is demonstrated in their behavior.

As the Original Indigenous people of God, no one accept God will be able to stop our rise. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that we (Mexicans) would one day get back all that was taken from us. Will we be prepared? Will we get pass the differences that we judge each other by? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that our unity is like an atomic bomb. It is important to understand that we are living in a time that God is going to force us to unite or die.

It is also crucial that we not only rise and unite one day a year but every day of the year for justice and remember that justice for one is justice for all. We must never practice divide and conquer or “I am better mentality” based on the country we were born in, language we speak, our economic status, or what we may call ourselves (Mexican, Latino, Chicano, Hispanic, Mexican American, Cuban, Puerto Rican, etc.) because today in 2010 we are a law away from learning just how alike we truly are.

“The May 1st march is the second largest movement in the city of Stockton, this year it was much larger since we began marching against civil rights and immigration reform. MECHA and the Black Student Union marched this year and expressed that this is an issue that is relevant to Black people as well as Brown people,” stated Brother Tommie Muhammad, NOI Stockton Study Group.

It seems that the timing of the SB1070 law signed in Arizona was no coincident and that it directly correlated with the May 1st immigration march. The SB1070 law requires authorities to question people about immigration status if there's reason to suspect they're in the country illegally. Opponents of the SB1070 law fear that legal immigrants and U.S. citizens will be unjustly harassed by police for looking Hispanic. The SB1070 law is currently being explored by other states and be assured that the reaction of the Latino community at large is also being observed. Will we the Original men and women of God (Latinos) accept laws that discriminate against us or will we stand up for justice and unite, fearing no one but God?

Now is the time to watch not only the Latino politicians that we have voted into office but all politicians. Who do they represent, who is in favor of justice, since justice for one is justice for all? When recently asked, “What an illegal immigrant looked like,” Arizona’s Gov. Jan Brewer was unable to provide a description. Regardless of the labels we chose to identify ourselves with we must never believe that the SB1070 law signed in Arizona could never be implemented in other states. It is important that we remember history and the fact that history has a way of repeating itself; we don’t have to go back to far in U.S. history to remember what was done to Japanese U.S. citizens.

(Theresa X, a Latina in the Nation of Islam, from the Stockton California Study Group - email:

Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Eat To Live: A remedy for sickness and a solution for the high cost of health care in the U.S.

“Some were sick through their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities suffered affliction; they loathed any kind of food, and they drew near to the gates of death. Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress; he sent forth his word, and healed them, and delivered them from destruction. Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love, for his wonderful works to the sons of men!” - Psalms 107:17-21

At the age of thirteen I was diagnosed with asthma and hay fever. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by episodic and reversible airflow obstruction and airway hyperresponsiveness. Clinical manifestations include wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. In 2004, asthma accounted for 13.6 million doctor visits, 1.1 million hospital outpatient visits, 1.8 million emergency department visits and 497,000 hospitalizations. (CDC National Center for Health Statistics @

The effects of asthma required me to take medication daily, get injections weekly and miss school frequently. On one occasion, I recall having an asthma attack and feeling as though I was breathing from a pin hole, I was so afraid I would run out of breathe before making it to the hospital. After receiving lung treatments and shots my mother drove me home and told me, “I hope you find a man that can afford you.” It was apparent that having asthma had become a financial burden to my parents. After eleven years with asthma and a life style that contributed to bad health, I went on a “crash” diet eating once a day to lose weight.

Shortly after, I met a coworker who would introduce me to the teachings of Honorable Elijah Muhammad as taught by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He told me that eating one meal a day was best for me and though I had reached my desired weight and knew nothing about the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad or Islam, I continued to eat one meal a day. And after about two years of eating one meal a day I was no longer experienced any problems with asthma or hay fever.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that we should eat one meal a day or one meal every other day, and it would prolong our life. He said, “Do not think that you will starve. On the contrary, you will be treating yourself to life, and a life filled with sickless days. You can hardly get sick eating this way... In eating once a day or once every other day, you must not eat between meals. And, you should try to eat at the same hour tomorrow as you eat today. Do not change your meal hours if you can help it. That causes your stomach to react to various hours of the day for a meal, and will set up gas on the stomach. Do not even drink juices, milk, or soft drinks between meals. And, do not eat candies or fruits between meals. You are welcome to drink water, but I know you will not want too much water between meals since your stomach will not call for it. You may drink coffee between meals, but do not fill your cup with half sugar and half cream and pour coffee on top of that.” - How to Eat to Live, Book 1

When becoming pregnant after five years of eating one meal a day, I made the decision to eat three meals a day to ensure that my unborn baby would receive the proper nutrition. Within a month or so of eating three meals a day I had an asthma attack and had to be taken to the hospital emergency room. During the examination, the doctor asked me when I last had an asthma attack and what had been doing to controlled it. I told the doctor that I had been eating one meal a day for several years had cured me of asthma. The doctor asked me, “What changed?” I told him that as a result of being pregnant I had decided to eat three meals a day to make sure my baby was receiving proper nutrition.

To my surprise, the doctor asked, “If you know what worked to control your asthma, why would you go back to eating three meals a day?” The doctor explained that he could not give me asthma medication because it could harm my baby and he encouraged me go back to eating one meal a day. He (doctor) said that since my body had become accustom to eating once a day my baby would get the nutrition needed. It was clear to me that this emergency room doctor understood that the amounts and types of food eaten were associated to disease and illnesses.

It has been nineteen years since this emergency room incident, my child was born healthy and I have not experienced an asthma attack since. As I reflect, I will never forget my mother’s words, “I hope you find a man that can afford you.” I believe my mother’s hopes for me were answered through the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan; he gave me the teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger to us all. Minister Farrakhan is a true example of the power and cures found in How to Eat to Live, the key to my asthma free life. At a time when many people do not have jobs and medical insurance, How to Eat to Live is vital and affordable to all in achieving a healthy life.

Asthma’s impact on health, quality of life, and the economy remain substantial. In 2005, an estimated 32.6 million people had been diagnosed with asthma during their lifetime, 22.2 million people currently were diagnosed with asthma, 12.2 million people experienced an asthma attack in the previous year and nearly 4,000 Americans died of asthma. (

“Eat to live, and not to die, because how you eat does both -- it keeps you here, and it takes you away.” - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, How to Eat to Live, Book 1

(Theresa X, a Latina in the Nation of Islam, from the Stockton California Study Group - email: